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Chiropractic Blog

Read on for inspiring blog posts ranging from how chiropractic care helped one Georgia woman let go of opioids and reclaim her life. Plus, learn more about how chiropractic adjustments and related care can help you stand tall against back pain.

Films that Explore the Impact of Opioids

Throughout the years of the opioid epidemic, millions of people have passed away from opioid overdose. In this blog, we’d like to share the reality of the opioid epidemic by presenting a synopsis of films […]

On the left side of the photo: Bottles of fentanyl and kratom are marked out with as bad with the color red. On the right side of the photo: An older gentleman is getting his neck adjusted by a chiropractor. There is a green check mark about this image. Then the title of the blog post sits at the bottom. Newest Opioid Alternative Cause for Concern: Chiropractic Safer. Chiropractic Safer is colored in a dark green.

Newest Opioid Alternative Cause for Concern: Chiropractic Safer

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is often used to help addicted patients ween off opioids. Medications like Methadone, Buprenorphine and Naltrexone are the typical opioid antagonists prescribed to these individuals struggling with their withdrawal symptoms and cravings. […]

Chiropractic Care Eases Pain, Helps Patients Reduce Opioid Dosage

Of the many withdrawal symptoms that opioid addiction holds, opioid-induced hyperalgesia is a crucial one to note. Hyperalgesia is a symptom that affects how person feels pain. For example, in a situation where pain may […]

The Impact of Chiropractic Care on Opioid-Induced Anxiety

The Impact of Chiropractic Care on Opioid-Induced Anxiety

The Anxiety & Depression Association of America cites anxiety disorders as one of the most common mental illnesses in the country. Anxiety impacts 40 million adults every year, which is almost 20 percent of the […]

Why you should see a chiropractor monthly

Why you should see a chiropractor monthly

While it’s common for many to see a chiropractor when there’s a specific issue to address, appointments don’t have to be reactive, they can be preventative. Much like you adjust your diet to eat healthier, […]

How chiropractic care leads to fewer opioid prescriptions

In 2019, 10.1 million people misused prescription opioids, and over 70,000 died from a drug overdose. These numbers portray a problem in the U.S., and many who become addicted to opioids start with a doctor’s […]

Developing a personal pain management plan with your doctor

Chronic pain can creep up in any part of the body, but no matter where you experience it, it’s uncomfortable, distracting, and something you don’t need to endure. From neck pain to back pain to […]

Neck pain from spinal stenosis

Can chiropractic care help with spinal stenosis?

Spinal Stenosis can lead to pain in the lower back and neck. It occurs as a result of the narrowing of the spaces within your spine, and puts pressure on the nerves. If you’re diagnosed […]

Woman at standing desk displaying good posture

6 ways to maintain good posture

Poor posture is one of many issues that can cause back pain. Especially if you sit for long periods of time, you’re at risk. Not all of those with bad posture are aware of the […]

Battling the opioid epidemic with chiropractic care

While there are multiple ways to treat chronic pain, what’s easiest isn’t always what’s safest for the patient. Being dependent on medication just to feel “normal” isn’t always what’s going to work for someone. And, […]