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Chiropractic Blog

Read on for inspiring blog posts ranging from how chiropractic care helped one Georgia woman let go of opioids and reclaim her life. Plus, learn more about how chiropractic adjustments and related care can help you stand tall against back pain.

Tips for people with sudden OR severe back pain

While some of this advice may seem counter intuitive to healing, it’s important to heed the warnings below for someone who has experienced an acute – or severe – injury. Dr. Mary Watkins of Watkins […]

Overcoming barriers to natural pain relief

Has someone recommended chiropractic care for your pain? Are you wondering if this natural pain relief approach is right for you? Consider joining the millions who have benefitted from chiropractic care! Chiropractors often work with […]

Chiropractic care = Less opioid use

If you’re concerned about opioid use but struggling with back and neck pain, there is an alternative solution for relief. Think chiropractic! Research shows that chiropractic care directly relates to less opioid use in those […]

Be like Mike

“Since I’ve been in chiropractic, I’ve improved by leaps and bounds both mentally and physically,” said Michael Jordan. The six time NBA champ and 14 time all star isn’t the only world-class athlete to publicly […]

Everyday items that can help with back pain

You can feel it. Your back pain is starting to flare up again. Whether you’re at home, at work or busy with life, you can’t always drop everything to visit your chiropractor for care. Don’t […]

Chiropractic Care - Beyond the Back

Beyond the back

While back and neck pain bring many patients to their first chiropractic appointment, there are other, lesser known benefits from spinal adjustments as well. Chiropractic care can improve various aspects of your health, from mobility […]

Learn how to talk to your doctor about chiropractic care for pain

Getting comfortable talking to your doctor about chiropractic

We all know that feeling. Leaving the doctor’s office and trying to remember exactly what was said. Were all my questions answered? Do I need to followup? Did I explain all of my concerns? With […]

Chiropractic in the time of COVID-19

How has COVID-19 changed your life? Everyone seems to be affected, even those suffering from unrelated chronic pain. According to the American Medical Association, “more than 40 states have reported increases in opioid-related mortality as […]

Pandemic vs. Opioid Epidemic

Why overdoses are up and proven ways to fight pain It may be the year of coronavirus, but September is Pain Awareness Month. I’d like to ask you to take a moment with me to […]

Patient with Chiropractor who helped her give up opioids

Crippling back pain wrecked Connie’s life

Read how one Atlanta chiropractor helped her reclaim it I still have a hard time talking about the accident today,” says Connie Brownlow. The Atlanta woman was hit by an 18-wheeler on Interstate 285 in […]