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Chiropractic Blog

Read on for inspiring blog posts ranging from how chiropractic care helped one Georgia woman let go of opioids and reclaim her life. Plus, learn more about how chiropractic adjustments and related care can help you stand tall against back pain.

Is a chiropractor a doctor? How can they help me? When should I see a chiro and for how long?

Is a chiropractor a doctor? ­­­ Yes! Chiropractors are Doctors of Chiropractic. Let’s break it down: Like MDs Have completed an undergraduate degree Have completed a four-year advanced education degree Have completed significant time in […]

How is chiropractic effective to treat pain?

Say goodbye to pain If you suffer from back pain, you are not alone. Back and neck pain is the second most frequent reason that a patient sees a doctor. It’s also the leading cause […]

Opioids vs. Chiropractors – Tackling Chronic Pain

What’s more likely to kill Americans—gun violence, car accidents or opioid overdoses? Today, it’s opioids, according to a recently released report by the National Safety Council. But how can a prescribed painkiller lead to death? […]